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Good Authority: The Legal Owner’s Manual for Your Coaching Business

turn your coaching skills into a safe and legit business

What’s Inside…

Like having a lawyer friend on call!

This book is organized by *what* coaches do in their businesses, like building a list and taking payment over the phone, so you have on point, actionable legal information at your fingertips, specifically for coaches, at all times. 

A quick read that makes legal intuitive...

All the legal how-tos are in there, but the insider information about how successful coaching businesses work make it a book you’ll actually want to read – plus, it will help you clearly see which legal steps help you reach your biggest goals.

You'll finally understand "what" to be protected from

You’ve heard about protecting your biz, but honestly, were never exactly sure from what. Now, you’ll understand what can go wrong and how to easily prevent most problems before they ever happen (and be prepared to win if they do). 

Don’t guess or “Google” what it takes to protect your paycheck and reputation. 

Good Authority

The Legal Owner’s Manual for Your Coaching Business

You’ll rest easy having every common question answered, from “What can I call myself?” to “How do I take payment over the phone legally?” to “How do I protect my reputation when I launch a group program?” and many, many more – all specifically written for coaches so you never have to guess how it applies to you

Worried that you don’t know what you don’t know when it comes to legal requirements in coaching?

You can finally know for sure.

I’m Attorney Valerie Del Grosso…

For the last eight years of my fifteen year career, I’ve been helping coaches get ready to sign their first or next client, host transformative live events, launch certification programs, and much more. 

No matter their stage of business, I found that most coaches are still a little in the dark about their legal needs (and why it is so important!). To me, that is a huge failure of the legal industry and a disservice to coaches everywhere.  

That’s why I wrote this book. Each bite-sized topic gets right to the heart of why you should care, how to handle your business, and get on with what you love doing – all while being free from worry about what you didn’t know you didn’t know. No “cover your butt” or vague “protection” talk here. 

It’s been written intentionally to turn to again and again as your business grows. 

And don’t worry – this isn’t a big book you read from start to finish. Instead, read the quick start guide and then turn to this book when you make business decisions. 

Curious about what’s inside?

Part I: The Things No One Told You About Turning a Coaching Skill into a Coaching Business

  1. What you’re “protecting your business” from, exactly. 
  2. Why coaching is different from consulting, therapy, and everything else (and why it matters – a lot!)

Part II: Legalize Your Coaching Biz 

  1. The Bare Minimum Guide to Coaching Legally (with topics like, “What can I call myself?” and “Do I need permission?” and what to do before your site goes live) so you can get started, fast
  2. Setting Up Your Business – including the one thing you must do once your LLC is setup if you want it to work (P. 85)
  3. Signing Clients – don’t miss the two places you must offer a no-questions-asked refund policy (P. 67)
  4. Delivering Your Services – what your client agreement must say if you want to beat chargebacks 100% of the time (P.10)
  5. Building Your Audience – including the million dollar business tip that you must know to make your biz last (P. 171)
  6. Standing Out In the Marketplace – everyone is doing this wrong with their most important content, but you won’t (P.202)
  7. Working with Others – the key to actually getting what you purchased with big ticket biz items is on P. 228 
  8. Your Financial Future – the tip for shielding $50,000 per year in earnings from taxes, only for business owners (P. 256)
  9. Resolving Disputes – this easy to make mistake means refunding clients who are not owed money (P. 276)

Each topic above breaks down further into exactly what you need to do legally to handle common coaching business activities, like how to use social proof legally, how to beat chargeback requests, when it is time to start an LLC, protecting your content from unauthorized use, handling collaborations, hiring service providers for your own biz, and so much more. 

The book was written to return to again and again as you grow, so you don’t have to worry about adding another entire book to your list! 


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